SIM Sudan Medical Director


SIM is an international mission organization with more than 1,600 active missionaries serving in more than 50 countries. SIM members serve God among many diverse people groups in Africa, Asia, and South America.

SIM workers are "international" themselves, representing more than 30 nationalities—including nations that in the past only received missionaries. They also serve in a wide variety of career fields. SIM is looking for people of any ethnicity who have almost any skill imaginable!

SIM is a community of God's people who delight to worship him and are passionate about the Gospel, seeking to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. Our purpose is to glorify God by planting, strengthening, and partnering with churches around the world as we: evangelize the unreached, minister to human need, disciple believers into churches, and equip churches to fulfill Christ's Commission.


Dr. Rob and Nancy Congdon serve as medical missionaries, proclaiming Christ and caring for the sick in Jesus’ name. After growing up in Oregon and completing medical and nursing training, they began living and serving in Africa in 1986 as a newly married couple. Their six boys were raised in Africa, and all attended Rift Valley Academy in Kenya. When the long civil war in Sudan came to an end in 2005 Rob and Nancy followed the Lord’s leading from their position at a large mission hospital in Kenya, to lead a dedicated team of SIM missionary health workers in the rebuilding of the Doro Health Center in a remote corner of Upper Nile State, South Sudan. The training and discipleship of Sudanese health workers, and the joy of caring for many with desperate health needs in this troubled land has been their calling.

The ministry continues presently, by the faithful commitment of Sudanese Christian pastors and health workers at Doro.  All SIM missionaries and most foreign workers in the region were evacuated recently, as widespread conflict erupted into outright military action.  Pray for peace in South Sudan, and for wisdom for our team in such a complex and challenging time; also, for many among the refugees especially to come to Christ, and grow in Christ, during this time of difficulty.  Rob & Nancy have accepted SIM’s request to take up a new task helping provide leadership for the widespread international healthcare ministries of SIM around the world.  Prayer concerns are for the needed health and strength to take up this new challenge, which will involve much travel both in the United States and overseas.


Phone: 541.295.9057